DNS configuration
For your SoloBox, FamilyBox, ProBox or CustomBox account to function correctly, you need to configure your service's DNS.
If you have a BasicBox account, the configuration has been automatically completed and the service is ready for use. So there's nothing more to do.
If you have a CustomBox account, the procedure described on this page must be completed for each new domain you add.
Whether your DNS is hosted by Hosterra or another provider, the configuration process is always the same:
Download the required recordings
Log in to Mailcow using the login details sent to you by e-mail when you purchased the service. If this is your first connection, you will be asked to choose a new password.
Next to your domain name, a button on the right, called DNS, opens a window giving access to your service's DNS configuration. Ignore red, orange or green warnings the first time. Simply click on the button at bottom left to download the DNS records you'll need.
Configure your DNS
Go to your DNS configuration interface (this may be Hosterra or another provider). And for each line of the previously downloaded file, create or modify the record.
There are a total of 11 records to create.
If you have registered your domain with Hosterra, your DNS already contains a large number of these records. If this is the case, add only those that are not already present.
Check your configuration
After at least one hour (the minimum time required for your DNS records to propagate), log on to Mailcow and click again on the DNS button next to the domain you're setting up. This time, inspect each line and check the colors of the icons:
If all the icons are green, you've set up your service correctly and it's fully operational.
If some icons remain orange or red, here's what you can do:
- Orange icon: the record is not detected (it is perceived as "non-existent"). In this case, check that it does exist in your DNS and wait for propagation to complete.
- Red icon: the record is incorrect (it is perceived as "erroneous"). In this case, check that it has been entered without error in your DNS, or that there are no duplicates, and then, after correcting the record(s) in error, wait for propagation to fully complete.
DNS propagation can sometimes take up to 24 hours.
DMARC record is considered optional. However, if you wish to avoid any deliverability problems, it is recommended that you set it up.
Testez votre configuration (optionnel)
Pour tester votre configuration SPF + DKIM + DMARC, vous pouvez utiliser des outils tels que :