Rendering html to pdf or image
Your server is equipped to perform html to pdf or image rendering from the command line:
WkHtmlToPdf is ready to use, it can be invoked via the wkhtmltopdf command. The version installed on 01/10/2023 is 0.12.6.
> wkhtmltopdf -V
wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)
Note that the WkHtmlToPdf version available on Hosterra servers are always the most recent version.
WkHtmlToImage is ready to use, it can be invoked via the wkhtmltoimage command. The version installed on 01/10/2023 is 0.12.6.
> wkhtmltoimage -V
wkhtmltoimage (with patched qt)
Note that the WkHtmlToImage version available on Hosterra servers are always the most recent version.